In recognition of Frank Capra’s great interest in astronomy and in remembrance of his “old friend” Edwin P. Hubble, the theater in The Seneca Falls It’s a Wonderful Life Museum will be filled with stars and planets, placed there in memory of people who have made a difference in our lives.
Want to place a Planet, Constellation or Star in the new Museum in honor of a person or persons who have impacted your life? Make a donation or enter our “Best Essay” contest below for a chance to win!
Place a Star for $100:
Place a Planet:
Constellation Families
The Zodiac: $5,000 each
Gemini (the twins) Best Essay; Capricornus (the goat); Aquarius (the water bearer); Pisces (the fish); Aries (the ram); Taurus (the bull); Cancer (the crab); Leo (the lion); Virgo (the virgin); Libra (the scales); Scorpius (the scorpion); Sagittarius (the archer);
Ursa Major Family: $3,000 each — 10 constellations (circulating the northern celestial pole: Ursa Major (the big bear — contains the Big Dipper); Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs); Boötes (the herdsman); Coma Berenice (Berenice’s hair); Corona Borealis (the northern crown); Camelopardalis (the giraffe); Lynx (the lynx); Draco (the dragon); Leo Minor (the little lion). Ursa Minor (the little bear — contains Polaris, the North Star — Best Essay —already selected)
The Perseus Family: $3,000 each — 9 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Perseus: Cetus (the whale); Cepheus (the king); Andromeda (the princess); Perseus (the Medusa killer); Pegasus (the flying horse — already sponsored); Auriga (the chariot driver); Lacerta (the lizard); Triangulum (the triangle); Cassiopeia (the queen — Best Essay (already selected);
The Hercules Family: $3,000 each –19 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Hercules
Hercules (the hero); Sagitta (the arrow); Aquila (the eagle); Lyra (the lyre); Cygnus (the swan); Vulpecula (the little fox); Hydra (the water snake); Sextans (the sextant); Crater (the cup); Corvus (the crow); Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer); Serpens (the snake); Scutum (the shield); Centaurus (the centaur); Lupus (the wolf); ; Ara (the altar); Triangulum Australe (the southern triangle); Crux (the southern cross); Corona Australis (the southern crown — Best Essay –– already selected)
The Orion Family: $3,000 each — 5 constellations: Monoceros (the unicorn — Best Essay); Orion (the hunter); Canis Major (the big dog) –– already sponsored; Canis Minor (the little dog); Lepus (the rabbit);
The Heavenly Waters (aka the Cosmic Waters): $3,000 each — 9 constellations whose names are related to water
; Delphinus (the dolphin); Equuleus (the little horse); Vela (the ship’s sails — already sponsored); Puppis (the ship’s stern); Eridanus (the river); Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish); Carina (the ship’s keel); Pyxis (the ship’s compass); Columba (the dove — Best Essay — already selected)
the Bayer Group: $3,000 each –11 Southern Hemisphere constellations depicting animals, named by Johann Bayer in 1603: Musca (the fly); Hydrus (the water snake); Dorado (the swordfish); Volans (the flying fish); Apus (the bird of paradise); Pavo (the peacock); Grus (the crane); Tucana (the toucan); Indus (the Indian); Chamaeleon (the chameleon); Phoenix (the phoenix) — Best Essay (already selected)
the La Caille Family: $3,000 each — 13 Southern Hemisphere constellations, named by Nicolas Louis de La Caille in 1756 Reticulum (the net); Norma (the surveyor’s level); Fornax (the furnace); Circinus (the compass); Telescopium (the telescope); Microscopium (the microscope); Sculptor (the sculptor); Caelum (the chisel); Antlia (the pump); Pictor (the easel); Octans (the octant); Mensa (the table); Horologium (the clock — Best Essay — already selected);
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Or over the phoneContact the Museum at 315-568-5838 and we can work out the details of your donation. |